Toei Animation announced on Friday that an unknown hacker attacked the company's network on March 6, causing some systems to shut down. At present, the company has begun to investigate the matter, but due to system problems, the broadcasts of "One Piece", "Dragon Quest: Day's Adventure", "Pretty Little Girl Delicious Party", and "Digimon: Ghost Game" are all broadcast affected.
"Dragon Quest: Day's Adventure" originally scheduled to air on Saturday will be replaced by 31 episodes of 73, and the latest episodes of "One Piece" and "Pretty Caucasian Delicious Party" will also not be broadcast.
We don't know what kind of attack the Toei Animation company's network has encountered, and whether the content of these works has been attacked by hackers. Anyway, during the epidemic, various animation productions were originally very unstable. It's fine if the confidential content comes out, and it's okay to watch it a week or two later.