
"The Lord of the Rings: The Battle of the Rohan" animated film will be released on April 12, 2024, d

admin admin Posted in2022-02-16 14:09:53 Views794 Comments0

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"The Lord of the Rings: The Battle of the Rohan" animated film April 12, 2024 directed by Kenji Kamiyama

Warner Bros. Animation and New Line Cinema announced Monday The animated film "The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim" will be directed by Japanese director Kenji Kamiyama and is scheduled to be released on April 12, 2024. The title map is a concept map of the film released by the two companies, created by Weta Workshop, which shows Rohan's leader Edoras. The film is set in Tolkien's Middle-earth, and in addition to Warner Bros. Animation and New Line Cinema, Sola Entertainment will serve as the animation production company, while Warner Bros. Pictures will handle the worldwide distribution.

Because Amazon also invested heavily in the live-action version of "The Lord of the Rings", this classic IP will be popular again !