
Anno Hideaki participates in the New Japan Heroes Universe Godzilla EVA Kamen Rider Ultraman Gatheri

admin admin Posted in2022-02-15 12:19:38 Views506 Comments0

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Anno Hideaki participates in the New Japan Heroes Universe, Godzilla, EVA, Kamen Rider, and Ultraman

Anno Hideaki participates in the new Japan Heroes Universe Godzilla EVA Kamen Rider Ultraman

Today, a main visual image of Godzilla, EVA, Kamen Rider and Ultraman was released online, and these four works also play the concept of the xx universe that Hollywood has played very well in the past ten years. These four works coincidentally have the participation of Anno Hideaki. This universe is not named after Anno Hideaki's universe, but SHIN JAPANESE HEROES UNIVERSE, New Japan Heroes Universe, referred to as SJHH.

Anno Hideaki New Japan Hero Universe SJHU Godzilla EVA Kamen Rider Ultraman

There are also four companies behind this universe as endorsements, Toho, Toei, Tsuburaya and Khara, and they are crowned with new ones, because Hideaki Anno directed these works. New (Shin) as the beginning. The title map was drawn by Maeda Maeda, and the badge was designed by Yuji Debuchi. As for the whole point of this universe that gathers the four major IPs, it is still unknown. However, it should be said earlier that the pre-release promotion of "New Ultraman" and "New Kamen Rider" and the surrounding linkages are conceivable, and Godzilla and EVA have been there before.

Let's wait and see!