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Light Novel's 15th Anniversary - "Spice and Wolf" Completely New TV Animation Confirmed

admin admin Posted in2022-02-25 18:33:27 Views989 Comments0

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Light Novel's 15th Anniversary - "Spice and Wolf" Completely New TV Animation Confirmed

狼与香辛料 完全新作动画

Today, "Spice and Wolf" announced on social media to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the publication of the light novel "Spice and Wolf", which is also the last link of the 15th anniversary. The official announcement of the new animation of "Spice and Wolf" has been confirmed. . To celebrate the new animation, the author of the manga, Yusa Shikura, and the illustrator, Jumo Funkura, released their congratulations.

狼与香辛料 完全新作动画



狼与香辛料 完全新作动画